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Puppies and kittens are adorable, but when they are unwanted they are prone to disease, injuries, and homelessness. Animal shelters across the United States see a surge of unwanted animals and their young, especially during spring and summer. But regulating the pet population and decreasing the number of homeless and stray pets are only two of the reasons why spay and neuter surgeries are so important.

Westarbor Animal Hospital explains why you should spay or neuter your pet for the health and well-being of your fur friend, other animals, and the community as a whole.

The Benefits of Spay or Neuter Surgeries

Each year, shelters euthanize more than 1.5 million animals. This disturbing fact goes hand in hand with the sheer number of animals that are never spayed or neutered, many of whom spend their lives on the streets. These animals are susceptible to accidents, like being hit by a car or poisoned from toxins, and spreading disease to other animals (and sometimes people). Along with this reason for having your fur friend “fixed,” there are many others.

The Medical Benefits of Spay or Neuter

Did you know that sexually-altered pets typically have a longer, healthier life? Yes, that’s right. When you spay a female, it helps prevent pyometra, a serious uterine infection, as well as breast tumors that would often be malignant. In males, neutering prevents prostate cancer and testicular cancer.

This is why spaying or neutering your pet at the correct age is integral to their good health.

Spay or Neuter Behavior Benefits

Along with the physical advantages of spay and neuter surgeries are the behavioral benefits. While these surgeries don’t replace training and socialization of your pet, they do discourage certain problem behaviors that are common in sexually intact animals.

  • Spaying prevents the heat cycle in females from occurring. This means your cat will be less likely to escape and be lost or injured, and you will avoid the ongoing howls and cries of a female in heat.
  • In both males and females, these surgeries prevent territorial spraying and urinating in the home.
  • Spay/neuter surgery decreases the urge for a pet to escape the home, as they would if they are trying to find a mate.
  • Reduces aggression in males or the incidences of fighting among male dogs.

Spay or Neuter: Less Costly in the Long Run

Paying for a spay or neuter surgery will save you money in the end, because you won’t have unexpected kittens or puppies to take care of. As you know, owning a pet is a big financial investment in providing for their basic needs and giving them quality health care throughout the years.

Spaying or neutering reduces the chances of your fur friend acquiring certain cancers or infections, which are costly to treat.

The decision to alter your pet is an important one, and in doing so you benefit the community, as there are fewer ill and homeless pets in the neighborhood. If you are interested in discussing spay or neuter surgery with us, we look forward to your call.

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