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There are several changes that occur in the first year of your pet’s life. This important time of physical and behavioral development relies on veterinary care, training and socialization, and the basics of nutrition and exercise. Puppy and kitten wellness includes the necessary components of well-being, from vaccines and boosters to deworming and diet. This is why getting your little one started on a good wellness program is key to their health and happiness into adulthood.

Your friends at Westarbor Animal Hospital explain the A,B,C’s of your fur baby’s optimal wellness program.

Puppy and Kitten Wellness: The First Visit

You will want to bring your new puppy or kitten in for their first vet examination at around 6 to 8 weeks of age. During this exam, we assess your pet’s overall health and note any potential risks to watch for. Puppies and kittens need to start off on their initial set of vaccinations as well as parasite protection against common problems like intestinal worms.

Components of puppy and kitten wellness care that you can expect include:

  • Vaccinations
  • Deworming
  • Parasite prevention
  • Nutritional consult
  • Dental care
  • Fecal screening
  • Discussions about heartworm testing
  • Discussions about housetraining/litter box training, exercise, socialization
  • Discussions about spay/neuter surgery
  • Microchipping
  • Optional testing for Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV) and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV)

The first visit creates a connection with your pet, you, and your veterinarian. It provides the beginnings of a baseline of health that informs us of any changes occurring in your pet’s physical or behavioral health.

The Ingredients of a Lifetime of Great Health

There are many advantages to starting your sweet young pet on a regular wellness routine. Wellness examinations are only one piece of the puzzle. Daily care is also important to health, happiness, and longevity for your fur friend. This is because wellness looks at your pet holistically (as a whole), and tailors care to your individual puppy and kitten and their health and lifestyle needs.

The benefits of wellness care for puppies and kittens are:

  • Creating the human-animal bond and strengthening the relationship with your pet’s health providers
  • Learning more about the optimal diet and weight management for your pet
  • Staying on track with dental health, starting your pet off with tooth brushing and dental exams
  • Steering clear of vector-borne diseases through flea-tick and heartworm control
  • Spaying or neutering to keep your pet healthier and reduce the homeless pet population
  • Keeping your pet from contracting contagious diseases through vaccinations
  • Detecting changes to your pet’s health early for a better prognosis
  • Encouraging a lifetime of health and longevity

Puppy and Kitten Wellness at Westarbor

We hope this overview inspires you to get your little one in to see us and establish a good relationship between your fur family and our expert, compassionate team. Call us to schedule an appointment or to ask us any questions about puppy and kitten wellness. We look forward to seeing your adorable pet soon.

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