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Are you considering adding a new pet to your home? Taking in an animal is a big responsibility that requires true commitment. You have to be fully prepared before making the decision. While it can be a lot of work, it also comes with huge rewards. Before you head to the pet store to browse for your new furry friend, keep reading to find out why you should choose a rescue pet instead:

So Much Love to Give

Rescue pets are scared and alone in the shelter just waiting to find someone to love. When you bring one into your home, they will never stop showing their gratitude for taking them out of the hardships of life at the shelter. Adopting a rescue pet is a sure way to add some unconditional love to your life.

A Pet In Need Is a Friend Indeed

Shelter pets are animals with unique personalities that need some help. By bringing a shelter pet into your home, you are giving the animal a chance to be truly himself. Once he’s set up in the safety of your loving home, he has the chance to relax and finally let his real personality shine.

Two Lives for the Price of One

Bringing home a rescue pet means that you are saving them from an unknown future. Although shelters do their best to save every animal they can, sometimes they just don’t have the space to take in more. Adopting one of these animals is the best way to guarantee a happy outcome. When you adopt a rescue pet, you are opening up valuable space in the shelter for another animal in need. 

A Reason for Being

Rescue pets can add more meaning to your life. When another life is depending on you, it motivates you to get out of bed each day. Caring for another soul means putting someone else’s needs before your own. Knowing that she needs you to survive adds a lot of substance to your daily routine.

Set Personalities

Most animals in shelters are old enough to have developed their own personalities. They are often already house trained and will not have some of the…quirks that puppies and kittens have. If you want to reduce the amount of work you have to put into getting your new animal adjusted to your home, a rescue pet is a great option.

Fight Against Animal Cruelty

Adopting animals from rescues is an effective way to fight against animal cruelty. The animals found in pet stores are often the result of cruel breeding practices. The more people buy animals from stores, the more reason breeders have to continue these inhumane behaviors. Be sure to adopt your next pet in order to help combat cruel breeding practices.

Get Moving

Dogs especially need daily exercise. Your rescue pet will help you get more movement in your life with daily walks, throwing a ball, and fun outings together. After being cooped up at a shelter, don’t be surprised if your rescue pet adores their walks. 

Whenever you decide to adopt a new pet, Westarbor Animal Hospital is here for you. Our comprehensive veterinary services are here to help through every stage of life. From wellness exams to surgery, we offer the care your pet needs. To learn more, please call (734) 769-5391.I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

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